October 25th is Orange Day!!

Hello Butterflies! Just a quick reminder that tomorrow is Orange Day! Time to #GoOrange and show our support to End the Violence Against Women around the world. Wear something orange tomorrow and/or change your profile pics to “orange” and spread … Continue reading

Our New SayNo! UNite Action Page!

I hope you all are having a wonderful Sunday evening! And to those just getting the day started, “Good Morning!” I just wanted to give show you our SayNo! UNite To End Violence Against Women Action page, found on the … Continue reading

It’s Orange Day, Time to Take a Stand!!


Orange is one of my favorite colors. I love wearing it. And it is also the color of my favorite butterfly: The Monarch.  (The above picture is not a monarch:) You probably are seeing a lot of Monarch butterflies in your yard lately; that is because fall is their migration season.

Butterflies migrate? LOL, of course they do! And the migration of the Monarch is one of the most exciting. Each fall the Monarchs return to their birth place, Mexico. And on their way, you see them everywhere! Just like ducks or geese flying overhead heading south, you can sometimes catch a small group of butterflies heading home. It’s quite neat to see.

But, more about monarchs in my next post…..Today is Orange Day!!!

Today, and every 25th of each month from now until the end of the year, is International Day to End Violence Against Women, or “Orange Day.” SayNo-UNite Against Violence is asking everyone in support of ending violence against women to post a pic of themselves on all their social media, wearing orange.

 One in every three women worldwide are victims of sexual, physical, emotional, and other abuse during their lifetime. That adds up to about 1 billion abused women around the world every single year, According to the Family Violence Prevention Fund.


As a women empowerment zone, the Butterfly Bridge is proud to support Orange Day, and we would like you to join us!! Just post a pic of yourself, family, friends, pet, etc with/wearing something orange and 1.) change it to the profile pic on all your social media sites; or if you don’t have anything orange, make a sign or post pic of something orange like the butterfly we used above. You can also use the official Orange Day Ribbon as your pic. Go to Saynotoviolence.org and download the ribbon. 2.) post your pic to the Butterfly Bridge Facebook Page . At the end of the day, we will send a Facebook photo album to the UN and also post the pics for you all to see!!

Can’t wait to see you in orange!!


Love always,
