Join Me for A Live Broadcast: “Living in the Midst of Death”

"Living in the Midst of Death" 12/16/12

“Living in the Midst of Death” 12/16/12


Greetings Butterflies!

It’s been one crazy weekend, huh? Tragedy, sadness, fear, guilt, anger, frustration, grief….and we still don’t know why. Why did six adults and 20 children have to die? Why did 22 children have to suffer from the blade of mad man’s knife? Where is God in all this?

What the hell is the world coming to?!

That is the question that we all have. If you are like me, and if you are connected to me in any way then you are, all of those babies belonged to you. And you felt all the pain and had all of the same questions as their parents. I keep going back to the parents. As a mother I can only imagine what is going on in their minds. And just the thought that one person has to go through that brings tears back to my eyes.

For those of you meeting me for the first time, you might not know that I do a Blog Talk Radio show dedicated to indie artists and Global Citizenship. I’m in the midst of changing the show. Instead of the one show, there will be 2: one dedicated to music and the other a talk show about life. Especially the lives of women. I’ll keep you all posted on those.

You can go to or search AC 165 Radio in the “podcast” section on iTunes to check out some of my earlier shows. It was an amazing year and a half!. We learned and we grew; were inspired and encouraged one another.  And I’m not doing away with that part of the show! I’m still on a journey. And for those of you who were apart of that journey, the trip is not over! We are just going down a new path. I’m expecting Great things in The Butterfly Age!

In the mean time, I want to go back to the old format for a few shows in light of the recent tragedies that have taken place this weekend, along with the fear of impending “doom” on the 21st. All of this death and talk of death is literally killing all of us. What happened this weekend, is unreal to me. I cried like a baby when I saw the report that over 100 bullets were fired into a kindergarten class room…..just typing that makes me sick.

Join me tomorrow at 5:00 PM EST as we talk about “Living in the Midst of Death”.I’m going to talk about how we can move forward and actively stand with those who have lost and stand FOR those who were stolen. I know all of us are hurting, especially the community and the families of these precious babies. And I know there are some of you out there that are truly afraid that the world is ending soon. Don’t feel silly or stupid, your feelings are real. But we can’t stay in fear. Fear is a death word…it kills.

This show is a dedication to LIFE! Life dispels fear and cancels death. Death says to quit, because it’s not worth it. Life says IT’S WORTH IT! And I’m telling you, regardless of what you have been through, it is worth it! In order to truly make some changes individually, communally, nationally and globally family, we have to embrace life as a whole. It can no longer be about “me” anymore. It’s time to get active in this global citizen thing….

So, join me tomorrow on here:  AC 165 Radio .  This is a 30 minute show, but feel free to call in or join in the chat room. If you’ve never listened to a Blog Talk Radio program, visit this link and learn how you can join in. You can listen via the web or the phone and you can actively chat during the show. You can also call in during a live show and comment if you like. Our phone number is: (619) 393-2881. This is not a toll free number, so charges will apply.

If you can’t listen in at that time, you can still catch it on replay through Blog Talk Radio or on iTunes.

Until tomorrow…..

Love to you!!


Welcome To the Butterfly Bridge!


I’m so excited to announce the launch of an exciting new community for women and young girls-The ButterFly Bridge!

Many issues plague women and girls today. Insufficient Healthcare, HIV/AIDS, Violence, Prejudice, Gender Inequality in Employment and Education, Civil Rights Violations, Sexual Exploitation,-and the list goes on. But not all of these issues affect all women. In fact, many women may have only experienced one issue as it pertains to civil equality.

Some issues go beyond gender inequalities and expand into racial discrimination. And beyond that, age discrimination.  Beyond that, religious discrimination. And even further still, sexual orientation discrimination. These sub classes of discrimination not only prevent women from reaching their full potential, but also divide women within our own gender group.

The women’s rights movements that have taken place all around the world have only scratched the surface of women’s issues. That is why we are seeing a resurgence of gender inequality. While the  social justice movements of the past have been successful, they have not addressed the totality of the female “race”.

It is time to close the gap; the Butterfly Bridge hopes to do just that!

There are hundreds, maybe even thousands of communities and/or organizations around the world that support women in various things; And we LOVE them all! Our mission is to introduce women, from all racial, national, and religious backgrounds to one another and connect them in hopes of creating a stronger support system for women everywhere!

This blog site will serve to inform, encourage, enlighten, educate, support, introduce, connect and ignite women all over the world in the fight for gender equality and women’s rights.

Inspired and Enthused,

Steen 🙂

Connect with us on Facebook and Twitter!