Everybody Strike the #JadaCounterPose!


Happy Thursday Butterflies!

I hope you had a great week and I also hope you are ready to Strike a Pose….well, actually a “counter pose” for a young Butterfly that needs a little support from the Sisterhood.

I came across this post on Feministing.com about a young girl named Jada.

Here is the just of the post entitled “Stand With Jada” by Maya Duensbery.
“There’s no good reason we should know the name of 16-year-old Jada.
The only reason we do is that after she was drugged and raped at a party of a fellow high school student in Huston, her assault went viral-a phrase I hope to never have occasion to write ever again. Jada had no idea what happened to her that night until she started seeing images and videos being passed around on social media and got texts from friends asking if she was ok. Then-with almost unimaginable callousness-her peers started mocking her assault by posting images of themselves lying on the floor in the same pose as Jada’s unconscious body under the hastag #jadapose.” (via Femisting.com)

You can read the article in it’s entirety here at Feministing.com and see just how brave and inspiring this young lady is. She’s not backing down from her attackers or her mockers and I for one am very proud of her.

What’s so heartbreaking to me is the fact that anyone could make fun of her knowing that she was assaulted. They all knew that she was raped yet the all decided, for some reason, to join in on the attack. Yes, as far as I’m concerned, everyone who posted a picture mocking her, or shared video of the attack and/or used the hash tag is guilty of raping this girl. This is virtual gang rape.

You know, I must have missed a couple of meetings, and I definitely didn’t get the memo that said rape was now funny. Where did this mentality come from? And when did we get so disconnected from humanity and reality that we actually come together, like a savage mob, to literally try to destroy an innocent child? I just don’t get it…

While we may not be able to take back all that Jada has been through, we can help her get through this. And we may even be able to help her fight this ugly virtual attack against her.

The Texas Association Against Sexual Assault on their twitter account suggested that anyone willing to stand up for Jada should tweet the hash tag #JadaCounterPose with an image that challenges rape and rape culture.

The Butterfly Bridge is standing with Jada and I hope the rest of you Butterflies will do the same. Just use the #JadaCounterPose hash tag and let the Twitterverse, InstagramNation, Pinterest, and Facetopia know that rape is not ok and it definitely isn’t funny.
Until we FLY again!

Love and Butterfly Kisses to you!


One thought on “Everybody Strike the #JadaCounterPose!

  1. #JadaCounterPose Jada, You are in my thoughts and prayers. I am so sorry for how you have been treated by your peers. If I could tell you anything it would be that you did not do anything to cause being raped. It is not funny, and not a joke. It is not okay for your peers to bully and mock you. You truly deserve love and support. Those behind the rape and re-posting these vicious pictures and comments should be thrown in jail! Jada, I support you. Always remember that you are precious, a child of God. You are loved beyond measure. God will be with you through the struggles, He is only a prayer away. xoxox

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